Tara Cook Davis has been in arts education for over 15 years. She has an extensive teaching resume which include Natomas Charter High School for the Performing Arts, teaching artist for the Los Angeles Music Center, Pasadena Playhouse and United Spirit Association, and a special guest choreographer for Galena Street East in Sacramento. Tara was a Show Director and assistant Choreographer for Stiletto Entertainment, contracted through Holland America Cruise lines.
Currently an itinerant dance teacher for LAUSD’s arts education branch, she provides dance education to five schools a week - reaching over 500 students weekly, grades TK-6th. Tara created an arts education curriculum, called Arts Saves Lives, used by the Inglewood Unified School District in hopes of exposing at -risk students to the arts. Her performance credits include: Pasadena Playhouse’s “Ray Charles Live;” Walt Disney Worlds “Beauty and the Beast;” a National H & R Block commercial; The Musical, “Foot Loose;” and The Music Center’s “Got Rhythm,” featured on The Music Center On Tour roster. Tara had the extraordinary opportunity to train at the Ailey School in New York City at the age of 16. This training has greatly influenced her work and curriculum. Tara also holds a BA in Child Development, Masters in Education, California Teaching Credential, K-12, in Physical Education and an Administrative credential.