With a robust roster of over 30 performing artists, find out below how you can book a Music Center Performing Artist to appear at your school or neighborhood, or find a free performance for you, your friends and family to attend!

In Schools
Educational performing arts assemblies featuring The Music Center Performing Artists invite students in schools into the world of dance, music, theatre and storytelling through both digital performances and in-person experiences. Each presentation includes customized curriculum in alignment with California Arts Standards that is designed to complement and deepen what students are learning in the classroom carried across cultures, styles and content areas.

In Neighborhoods
In collaboration with community locations such as libraries, community centers and parks among other sites, The Music Center Performing Artists bring their creativity and talents to many neighborhoods across Los Angles County. Performances, workshops and special experiences highlight the diverse cultural traditions of the County and the world.
Contact Us
Phone: (213) 972-4310
Email: performingartists@musiccenter.org
TMC Arts
When we speak of our vision to deepen the cultural lives of all Angelenos, we turn to the work of TMC Arts. This team champions the diverse voices and communities of Los Angeles, fostering connection, creativity and enrichment. TMC Arts programs connect people, offering us the chance to get creative and to learn as we discover something new or enjoy something familiar. Many programs are free and low-cost; they take place outdoors on Jerry Moss Plaza at The Music Center and in Grand Park, inside The Music Center's theatres and in schools and neighborhoods all across L.A. County.